Regular consumption of almonds improves gut health

Eating a handful of almonds a day significantly increases the production of a short-chain fatty acid, butyric acid, which contributes to gut health.

Eating late at night can lead to obesity, say US researchers

A new study provides evidence that eating late at night reduces energy expenditure, increases hunger and increases fat tissue, which together may increase the risk of obesity. The latter could be a source of serious diseases.

The link between high blood pressure and dementia

High blood pressure can lead to an accelerated deterioration in thinking, decision-making and ability to remember information, according to a new study.

Daily 4 cups of tea can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes

Chinese researchers studied the effect of drinking different types of tea on the risk of diabetes.

Prevalence of Lyme disease bacteria can be predicted in advance

By developing predictive models that incorporate climate and landscape variables, researchers have accurately forecasted the prevalence and distribution of Lyme disease bacteria.

Ultra-processed food increases the risk of large intestine (colon) and rectal cancer in men

In a recent study, US researchers found that men who consumed high rates of ultra-processed foods had a higher risk of developing colorectal cancer.

One measurement is not enough to diagnose high blood pressure

Hypertension is defined as a condition in which the average of at least 3 different blood pressure readings (taken at least one week apart) is higher than 139/89 mmHg.

People with poor sleep behaviors may be at risk for fatty liver disease

According to a recent research, people with sedentary lifestyles and unhealthy sleep behaviors could develop fatty liver disease.

Anti-Mullerian hormone test

Every woman is born with a certain number of eggs, which are eventually run out.

A small percentage of adults have good cardiometabolic health

According to a recent study, only seven percent of the adult population in the United States has a low cardiometabolic risk.