

Our physiotherapy services can only be used by appointment!
Appointment booking, information request by phone!


78 József Attila Avenue, H-6723 Szeged, Hungary


Monday through Friday: 10am to 4pm



+36 20 2520 656



45 minutes


6000 HUF


Each treatment starts with an assessment of the patient’s condition (health check). During this assessment, we ask the patient in detail about their complaints and lifestyle to establish accurate medical history. For the analysis of scan images (RTG, MRI, lab tests), be sure to bring these medical records. Posture examination is a part of the health check, as the whole body and its abnormalities are examined. During physical examination, muscle strength is checked by functional tests and specified by measuring of range of motion. These tests can help to assess the background of the problem. In all cases, health check is closed with setting up and discussion of a short and long-term treatment plan as well as with recommendations of treatment techniques and lifestyle advices.

During the health check, the patient will be asked to remove any clothing from the body region/body part to be examined!



Depending on the area to be treated


9000 HUF


TR therapy is a non-invasive treatment method based on the interaction between radiofrequency current and biological tissues. The radiofrequency current is transmitted to the body through the contact surface of the electrodes applied. The conversion of the current into thermal energy leads to a selective tissue temperature increase, resulting in, for example, pain relief, muscle relaxation, increased local blood circulation and reduced water retention. TR therapy can be used for the treatment of both acute and chronic disorders of the musculoskeletal system, such as muscle spasms, degenerative joint disorders, back pain and soft tissue injuries.

This treatment is for adults only.

  • Frozen shoulder, impingement syndrome
  • Joint pain
  • Rheumatic diseases
  • Neck (Cervical) and lower back pain
  • Muscle relaxation
  • Metatarsalgia
  • Myalgia
  • Acceleration of regeneration
  • etc.
  • Pregnancy
  • Tissues infected with Tuberculosis or other bacteria
  • Severe heart or respiratory failure
  • Acute inflammation
  • Sensory disturbances (anesthesia [insensitivity], hypoesthesia [decreased sensitivity] or hyperesthesia [increased sensitivity] in the area of application)
  • Skin infections, trophic skin lesions at the site of application, irritated or damaged skin
  • Bleeding conditions, bleeding disorders, menstruation
  • Areas affected by a known or suspected malignant process (tumor, patients undergoing radiotherapy)
  • Cachexia of any origin (abnormal emaciation)
  • Fever of any origin
  • Infections
  • Metallic objects or active implantable medical devices (pacemakers, endoprostheses, joint fixators and screws, body jewelry, etc.) at the site of application and in its pathway
  • Application over endocrine glands and gonads
  • Area of large sympathetic nerve fibers
  • Surrounding nerves close to the skin surface
  • Infants
  • etc.

Possible side effects of radiofrequency current are: temporary discomfort in the treated area, moderate skin irritation.



25 minutes


7000 HUF


45 minutes


10000 HUF


Physiotherapy is one of the most ancient forms of healing, used in prevention, treatment and rehabilitation.

It is a conservative method for the prevention and treatment of musculoskeletal, internal medicine, neurological and other diseases.

From the first to the last minute, individual physiotherapy is a combination of different methods tailored to your current condition. Individual physiotherapy is primarily offered when you have clear symptoms.

The main focus is on problems/disorders affecting the musculoskeletal system (neck/cervical- and lower back pain, spine disorders, knee joint pain, etc.), post-operative rehabilitation, sports injuries, and joint problems.



45 minutes


17000 HUF


Physiotherapy is one of the most ancient forms of healing, used in prevention, treatment and rehabilitation.

It is a conservative method for the prevention and treatment of musculoskeletal, internal medicine, neurological and other diseases.

From the first to the last minute, individual physiotherapy is a combination of different methods tailored to your current condition. Individual physiotherapy is primarily offered when you have clear symptoms.

The main focus is on problems/disorders affecting the musculoskeletal system (neck/cervical- and lower back pain, spine disorders, knee joint pain, etc.), post-operative rehabilitation, sports injuries, and joint problems.



30 minutes


7000 HUF


Flossing therapy is a highly versatile complex physiotherapy technique, mainly used in the field of musculoskeletal prevention and rehabilitation, which includes compression therapy with floss tape and floss training.

The main goal of the treatment is to increase mobility, relieve pain and release tissue adhesions. During the therapy, a special rubber band (floss tape) is wrapped around the muscles, joints and fascia (compression), and then the area to be treated is mobilized with specific exercises.

It can be used for both acute and chronic injuries and pains, to reduce muscle and connective tissue imbalances, restricted range of motion of joints, chronic tissue tension, muscle weakness and injury, various types of inflammation, adhesions and pain.

  • Muscle injuries, muscle pains, muscle adhesions
  • Joint pain, inflammation (arthritis)
  • Reduction of swelling
  • Scar relaxation
  • To avoid sports injuries
  • Restriction of movement
  • To accelerate regeneration
  • Tunnel syndromes
  • Tennis and golfer’s elbow
  • Frozen shoulder
  • Dislocation, sprain
  • Following various orthopedic surgeries
  • Latex allergy
  • Pregnancy
  • Tissues infected with Tuberculosis or other bacteria
  • Severe heart or respiratory failure
  • Acute inflammation
  • Sensory disturbances (anesthesia [insensitivity], hypoesthesia [decreased sensitivity] or hyperesthesia [increased sensitivity] in the area of application)
  • Skin infections, trophic skin lesions at the site of application, irritated or damaged skin
  • Bleeding conditions, bleeding disorders, menstruation
  • Areas affected by a known or suspected malignant process (tumor, patients undergoing radiotherapy)
  • Cachexia of any origin (abnormal emaciation)
  • Fever of any origin
  • Infections
  • Fracture
  • Collagenosis
  • Metallic objects or active implantable medical devices (pacemakers, endoprostheses, joint fixators and screws, body jewelry, etc.) at the site of application and in its pathway
  • Application over endocrine glands and gonads
  • Diabetes
  • Osteoporosis
  • Infants
  • etc.

Numbness during the treatment.



15 minutes


5000 HUF


Cupping therapy has been a known medical technique for thousands of years and is gaining ground in Western medicine. During cupping therapy different sized cups are used on the area(s) to be treated.

The benefits of the therapy include muscle relaxation, increasing muscle flexibility, stimulating local circulation, improving tissue oxygenation and increasing joint range of motion. In addition, it releases tissue adhesions, frees surgical scars, improves local joint positioning, increases lymphatic circulation and reduces body stress levels.

  • Muscle injuries, muscle pains, muscle adhesions
  • Joint pain
  • Reduction of swelling
  • Scar relaxation
  • To avoid sports injuries
  • Restriction of movement
  • To accelerate regeneration
  • Pregnancy
  • Tissues infected with Tuberculosis or other bacteria
  • Severe heart or respiratory failure
  • Acute inflammation
  • Sensory disturbances (anesthesia [insensitivity], hypoesthesia [decreased sensitivity] or hyperesthesia [increased sensitivity] in the area of application)
  • Skin infections, trophic skin lesions at the site of application, irritated or damaged skin
  • Bleeding conditions, bleeding disorders, menstruation
  • Areas affected by a known or suspected malignant process (tumor, patients undergoing radiotherapy)
  • Cachexia of any origin (abnormal emaciation)
  • Fever of any origin
  • Infections
  • Metallic objects or active implantable medical devices (pacemakers, endoprostheses, joint fixators and screws, body jewelry, etc.) at the site of application and in its pathway
  • Application over endocrine glands and gonads
  • Diabetes
  • Osteoporosis
  • Infants
  • etc.

Purplish discoloration in the treated area.



15 minutes


5000 HUF


Kinesio Taping is one of the most effective complementary therapies, especially for musculoskeletal problems. It is free of chemical agents; however, it can reduce pain and mobility impairments in a short time without side effects. Depending on the taping technique, the tapes can stretch, fix or correct damaged soft tissue without significantly restricting its free movement; thus, significantly accelerate the recovery period of joint and muscle problems.

The tape loosens the skin and subcutaneous tissues, increases blood and lymph circulation and relieves pressure on pain receptors. It stabilizes muscles and joints, prevents muscle spasms, reduces the strain on damaged tissues and the probability of developing inflammation.

The tape is equally effective in treating sports injuries, dislocations, strains, overworked and spasmodic muscles, restricted joint movement, lower back and neck pains, headaches, inflammation, scoliosis and nerve disorders; postural correction and rehabilitation following musculoskeletal surgery.

  • Muscle injuries, muscle pains, muscle adhesions
  • Joint pain, inflammation (arthritis)
  • Reduction of swelling
  • Scar relaxation
  • To avoid sports injuries
  • Restriction of movement
  • To accelerate regeneration
  • Tunnel syndromes
  • Tennis and golfer’s elbow
  • Frozen shoulder
  • Dislocation, sprain
  • Following various orthopedic surgeries
  • Pregnancy (relative)
  • Tissues infected with Tuberculosis or other bacteria
  • Severe heart or respiratory failure
  • Acute inflammation
  • Sensory disturbances (anesthesia [insensitivity], hypoesthesia [decreased sensitivity] or hyperesthesia [increased sensitivity] in the area of application)
  • Skin infections, trophic skin lesions at the site of application, irritated or damaged skin
  • Bleeding conditions, bleeding disorders, menstruation
  • Areas affected by a known or suspected malignant process (tumor, patients undergoing radiotherapy)
  • Cachexia of any origin (abnormal emaciation)
  • Fever of any origin
  • Infections
  • Fracture
  • Diabetes
  • Osteoporosis
  • Infants
  • etc.