From 2001 to 2009, HR-Pharma Ltd. was a vendor in 12 pharmaceutical development projects led by foreign companies.
Member of Biotechnological and Pharmacological Innovation Cluster network collaboration since 2011
In 2013, HR-Pharma was involved in Goodwill Pharma Ltd’s development project titled “Pre-clinical Test System Development for Oncotherapy with Artificial Chromosome – Stem Cell Treatment”.
In 2017, our Company provided support to SigmaDrugs Kutató Ltd’s Project called “Study of SIR Agonists, Transportation, Development and Farming of Genetically Modified Animals”.
In 2017, University of Szeged acquired the Hungarian patent application licence No. P1500512 titled “Phytoestrogen-Free Rat Diet and Its Use”.
2017-2019 Participation in coronary stent implantation development studies in collaboration with the University of Vienna.
2017-2021 contributor to the joint GINOP tender application (No. GINOP-2.2.1-15-2017-00047) of Solvo Ltd. And the University of Szeged titled “Research on the Production of Stem Cell Based Hepatocytes for Drug Development Purposes”.
2018-2021 industrial development activities within the framework of the joint tender application of Avidin Ltd., TS Laboratory and the Biological Research Centre Szeged (No. 2018-1.3.1-VKE-2018-00024, titled: „Multiparametric Immunphenotypic Study to characterize diabetic patients).
In 2018, the Company’s Animal Health Lab received its NFSA (National Food Safety Authority) permit (No. 152/2018/lab/CSMKH)
In 2019, our Company supported a startup company (Animal biovet Ltd.) to develop the following: “Preparations to Develop Sub-Unit Vaccine for Circovirus in Domestic Pigeons (Columba Livia Domestica) - Molecular Biology and Animal Experiment Task.”
In 2019, we participated as Biospin Ltd’s subcontractor in the development of a device for Richter Ltd. (possibility of bacterial biofilms forming on the surface of base materials used for the production of planned machinery).
Since 2019, our company is an internship location of the University of Szeged (500/2019; SZTE 04/01/2019)
2020-2022 Working on the development of a research assistant pre-clinical device and technology based on artificial intelligence in collaboration with Innosmart Ltd. (2019-1.1.1-00226 PIACI KFI)
2020-2024 Successful joint tender application with the University of Szeged for Cooperative Doctoral Programme
2021-2024 Development of hypo-allergenic product range for immunosuppressed consumers and corresponding production technology as a subcontractor of Nagykunhús Ltd.
2022-2025 Consortium partner of Zala-Cereália Ltd. in the tender application „Reduction of Disease Among Turkey Hybrids Through New Feed Product Range R&D” (GINOP_PLUSZ-2.1.1-21-2022-00189)