Ne csak a munkánkra, egészségünkre is fordítsunk elegendő figyelmet

Managerial disease can affect not only people in leadership position

Chronic stress, lack of time and the constant pressure to conform can weaken the immune system, making our body more vulnerable to...
Egészségügyi problémák, amelyek hajhullást okozhatnak

Serious health problems may be behind hair loss

Not all hair loss is because of stress, but a person may shed significantly more when they experience extreme stress. When should...
Apró változások, amelyek segítenek, hogy fittebbek legyünk

Let’s be smart about turning our New Year’s resolutions into action

January is not only the start of a New Year, but also a time for New Year's resolutions. Many people resolve to take more care of...
Az ünnepekhez közeledve ajánlott fokozott figyelmet fordítani a bélflóránk egyensúlyára is.

Eat mindfully during the holidays

The Christmas holidays, family and company events, New Year's Eve and New Year's Eve parties are coming up. Even those who otherwi...
December elseje az AIDS elleni küzdelem világnapja

World AIDS Day, 1 December

World AIDS Day observed annually on December 1st, was first established in 1988 by the World Health Organization (WHO) to raise aw...
A téli hónapokban nem árt odafigyelni a megfelelő vitaminbevitelre.

Vitamins to boost your immunity for winter

Winter is coming and many people automatically add multivitamins to their diet. They start taking supplements on a campaign, and g...
A cukorbetegség világnapján erőteljesebben hívják fel a figyelmet a rendszeres szűrésre.

14 November is World Diabetes Day

The International Diabetes Federation (IDF) and the World Health Organization (WHO) first celebrated World Diabetes Day in 1991, a...
Az ételintolerancia tüneteinek hátterében az emésztőrendszer nem megfelelő működése áll.

Stomach pain, bloating, nausea – the unpleasant symptoms of food intolerance can be avoided

Food intolerance affects between 15-30% of the European population and mainly affects adults. It should not be confused with food...
Novemberben a férfiak figyelmét célzottan igyekeznek felhívni a szűrések fontosságára.

Movember – Men’s Health Awareness Month

Mustache and November are the words that gave birth to the phrase "Movember", which is also used to raise awareness among men of t...
Szűrővizsgálatok segítségével sokszor megelőzhető a baj

Prevention is better than cure

In many cases, early diagnosis and timely treatment can save lives. Screening tests can help detect diseases before symptoms devel...