Itt a parlagfűszezon kezdete

July, the start of the holidays and the ragweed season

In Hungary, nearly three million people suffer from allergy, and one third of them are affected by ragweed. Symptoms can be reduce...
A vastagbélrák korai diagnózis esetén eredményesen kezelhető

Colorectal cancer: the dreaded disease, but screening can help in prevention

In Hungary, colorectal cancer is the second most common malignant cancer after lung cancer, but it can be detected early and treat...
A babák szuperélelmiszere az anyatej

Breast milk: the “superfood” for babies

In 1992, the World Health Organization declared 1 August as World Breastfeeding Day, and Hungary joined the initiative a year late...
Laborvizsgálat segíthet a gyulladás kimutatásában a szervezetben

Inflammation in the body? A laboratory test can help you find the answer

Infectious agents, injuries, internal or external harm: these can all trigger inflammation and immune activation, and lab results...
Átfogó laborvizsgálatok fogbeültetés előtt

Have a laboratory test before getting dental implants

Incomplete dentition can cause not only esthetic but also health problems. Dental implantation is now a routine procedure, but we...
Július 1. a Magyar Egészségügy Napja

Celebrate health workers on Semmelweis Day

For more than two decades, every year on 1 July, those who work in the health sector and who do their best to treat patients and t...
A hepatitisz fertőzöttek négyötöde nem tud a szervezetében hordozott kórokozóról

Hepatitis – four fifths of infected people do not even think they are carrying the pathogen

Acute or chronic inflammatory diseases of the liver are mainly caused by viruses. As many infected people can be asymptomatic for...
Laborvizsgálat segíthet a vashiány felismerésében

Iron is not only for forging, it can also be “eaten”

In the past century in Hungary, there were a handful of wisdoms passed down by the folk: for instance, "Oh my God, that child is s...
Megelőzés, szűrés és életmódváltó csomagok a hipertónia ellen

World Hypertension Day – fight against high blood pressure

On 17 May, experts will raise even more awareness of the importance of fighting hypertension, often called the "silent killer"....
Laborvizsgálattal kiszűrhető a toxoplazmózis fertőzés, valamint a védettség

Before becoming pregnant, it is worth clarifying whether toxoplasmosis could put the fetus at risk

Mothers planning to have a baby usually do everything to deliver a healthy baby. Sometimes, the threat to the fetus is insidious a...
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