Laborvizsgálattal kiszűrhető a toxoplazmózis fertőzés, valamint a védettség

Before becoming pregnant, it is worth clarifying whether toxoplasmosis could put the fetus at risk

Mothers planning to have a baby usually do everything to deliver a healthy baby. Sometimes, the threat to the fetus is insidious a...
Szűréssel az egészségért

Screening for health on WHO World Health Day

It is important to raise awareness about health each year, especially on World Health Day. However, it's not just words that we ne...
Szövődményeket is okozhat a kezeletlen szénanátha

Untreated hay fever (allergic rhinitis) can cause complications

Hay fever - scientifically known as allergic rhinitis - is one of the most common diseases nowadays. The good news is that allergy...
Miért érdemes laborvizsgálattal ellenőriztetni a tesztoszteron szintet?

Why check testosterone levels with a laboratory test?

Testosterone is the main male sex hormone, produced in the testes. In contrast, testosterone is produced at lower levels in women,...
A cukorbetegség egyik súlyos szövődménye lehet a vesekárosodás

Diabetic nephropathy can be a serious complication of diabetes

Diabetes is the most common metabolic disease in the world. Nearly one million people in Hungary have been diagnosed with diabetes...
A fiatal nők akár 10%-át is érintheti az endometriózis

Endometriosis can affect up to 10% of young women

Endometriosis is a chronic disease in which tissue similar to the lining of the womb (uterus), the endometrium, appears and grows...
Prevencióval a daganatos halálesetek csökkentéséért

Around 70,000 Hungarian patients diagnosed with cancer every year

4 February is World Cancer Day. Awareness-raising campaigns and prevention initiatives are particularly important in Hungary, wher...
Élete során minden nő tapasztalhat menstruációs zavart

Menstrual disorders can occur in every woman’s life

A healthy woman experiences more than 450 periods in her lifetime. There is hardly a woman who does not experience menstrual disor...
Február 11., a betegek világnapja

11 February- World Day of the Sick

World Day of the Sick is an awareness day worldwide since 1992, at the initiative of Pope John Paul II. By commemorating and desig...
Laborvizsgálat és újévi fogadalom

How to make a successful New Year’s resolution?

There are many people who start out with great enthusiasm to achieve their New Year's resolutions, but soon lose motivation becaus...
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