September is here, work and school are back in session and we are back from the summer break. We are looking forward to an active few months. As fit as we are for the new challenges ahead, we need to start looking after our body’s vitamin stores now.
Most vitamins come from external sources, mainly food, and are essential components of a healthy body. Their deficiency can cause not only unpleasant symptoms but also illness, so it is important to be aware of whether you have enough of them in your body.
Vitamin Profile package from HR-Pharma in Szeged provides answer to this question after a quick blood test, as the package also includes tests for vitamins B and D, thyroid hormone regulation and calcium measurement.
B vitamins: from the immune system to the skin
B vitamins are water-soluble vitamins that can be easily taken with a balanced, varied diet. They play an important role in the functioning of the body, so even a slight deficiency can cause symptoms. Some members of the B family of vitamins help the immune system’s energy-producing metabolic processes, contribute to the integrity of the nervous system, beautiful skin and even help maintain dermatological, digestive and mental health.
Calcium is not just for bone health
Low calcium levels can not only threaten our strong bones and beautiful teeth, but its deficiency can also cause memory problems, depression and behavioral changes. An important “partner” is vitamin D, which promotes the absorption of calcium from the intestine and reduces urinary excretion, and its deficiency can even be the cause of obesity, diabetes and sometimes even depression.
The optimal thyroid function: neither over (hyper) nor under (hypo)
The hormones produced by the thyroid gland are not only involved in the regulation of metabolism and hormonal processes, but also affect, for example, the functioning of the heart. If your body does not produce enough thyroid hormones or produces too many, this can cause a number of symptoms. A malfunctioning thyroid gland can also be the reason why we are unable to lose weight even with a strict diet. Listen to your body.
A simple blood test can detect under- or overactivity.
HR-Pharma’s Vitamin package includes the determination of vitamins B and D and the measurement of calcium in addition to the thyroid hormone regulation.