Book an appointment


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Make appointments with ease

Book your appointment ONLINE!

For a successful booking, please review the below points to facilitate the process.

  1. Choose the blood collection location you would like to visit.
  2. Choose the test(s) and / or package(s) you would like to request.
    Important: you can always change the tests and packages you want on location.
  3. Please choose from the available dates and times.
  4. Provide your personal information.
  5. Review your appointment details.
  6. If you find everything in order, please accept the following items and click on “Submit”.

It is important to note that in the case of children under 18 years of age, sampling can only be carried out in the presence of the child’s legal guardian or with a completed informed parental consent form.

Downloadable informed parental consent form (docx, 23.4K)