Szűrővizsgálatok segítségével sokszor megelőzhető a baj

Prevention is better than cure

In many cases, early diagnosis and timely treatment can save lives. Screening tests can help detect diseases before symptoms devel...
A babavárás öröméhez elengedhetetlen a tudatos családtervezés is

The joy of having a baby and conscious family planning

For most families, the arrival of a child brings with it the excitement of anticipation. In order to make this period as happy as...
Október, a mellrák elleni küzdelem hónapja

October: Breast Cancer Awareness Month

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), breast cancer is the most common cancer among women in both developed and develo...
Tegyünk szívünk egészségéért: egészséges életmód és szűrővizsgálatok

World Heart Day – beyond risk factors

Longer and better quality of life, prevention of heart disease and stroke, and the importance of cardiovascular screening - these...
Napjainkban egyre többen keresik a fizioterápiás kezeléseket

World Physical Therapy Day – 8 September

Sun, water, magnetism, movement, temperature - resources found in nature that, used wisely and well, can also heal the human body....
Fontos a vitaminszint ellenőrzése

Replenish your body’s essential vitamin stores in time

September is here, work and school are back in session and we are back from the summer break. We are looking forward to an active...
Az epekő nagyobb arányban érinti a nőket és jellemzően 40 év felett alakul ki. Panaszmentesség esetén is ajánlott a rendszeres szűrővizsgálaton való részvétel.

Gallstones – it is worth preventing the problem

There is Hungarian folk wisdom that draws a parallel between illness and the difficulties of everyday life caused by illness. Gall...
Ellenőriztesse szervezete D-vitamin szintjét egy egyszerű laborvizsgálattal

Vitamin D: is a summer sunbath enough?

Summer is still in full swing, and the months of August and September still promise long-lasting sunshine. At this time of year, m...
Nyári kánikulában különösen fontos figyelni a megfelelő mennyiségű folyadékbevitelre

Hydration is even more important in the heat of summer

„Drink up, don't get dehydrated" - we often hear this warning, especially on hot, scorching days. But what does dehydration real...
Itt a parlagfűszezon kezdete

July, the start of the holidays and the ragweed season

In Hungary, nearly three million people suffer from allergy, and one third of them are affected by ragweed. Symptoms can be reduce...
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