In November, the focus is on men’s health awareness. PSA screening to prevent prostate cancer.

Men tend to pay less attention to their health than women and are more likely to lead unhealthy lifestyles. This should not be the case. Life expectancy for men is around 7 years shorter than for women. This statistic is exacerbated by the fact that men neglect screening and in many cases only consult a doctor when they have serious symptoms or pain.

Prostate cancer is the second most commonly diagnosed cancer.

Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers among Hungarian men. Therefore, prostate cancer screening consisting of a PSA blood test and a physical examination is recommended once a year for all men over 45. Good nutrition and regular exercise are important to maintain prostate health, and blood level of PSA (prostate specific antigen) can now be checked with a simple blood test.

Prostate cancer can be asymptomatic at an early stage, so a screening test is recommended at least once a year. If the laboratory results suggest a suspected malignancy of the prostate, the urologist will order further tests to make an accurate diagnosis. It is important to emphasize that blood sampling causes negligible inconvenience, but prostate cancer can be cured if detected early. Consequently, regular screening increases its chance.

Do not delay the screening test. Have a PSA screening test at least once a year.

Take time for your health, take an active role in improving your health by consciously controlling your habits (e.g. proper nutrition, physical activity) and have your PSA level checked at least once a year.

In November, HR-Pharma’s special offers include PSA blood test. Book your appointment online, conveniently, and we will send you the result by email within 24 hours.