There are certain jobs that involve increased mental and physical strain. Typically, people under high stress and pressure, who do not pay enough attention to their health in the rush of everyday life, tend to ignore possible physical symptoms due to their overworked lifestyle. In their case, it is particularly important to assess the current state of their bodies at least twice a year, through laboratory tests. These tests can help to maintain their health, concentration, and performance.

Stress: more and higher risk

There is no doubt that more health risks are faced by people – typically entrepreneurs, managers and executives – who work in stressful environments, with many responsibilities, putting rest and recharging their minds and bodies on the back burner. This condition can predispose to a number of comorbidities, including cardiovascular diseases, stomach ulcers, digestive problems, cancers, diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure and weakened immune systems, which can make them more susceptible to infections. In addition, thyroid and adrenal problems may be more common.

Regular screening tests are recommended at least every six months to minimize the risks. These tests can help in early diagnosis of potential problems, which is a key factor not only in the effective treatment, but also in avoiding complications. In many cases, symptoms can be treated with lifestyle changes or medication following medical consultation.

We know that every minute counts

For those who are short on time and looking for a quick and convenient solution, HR-Pharma’s laboratory service can be the perfect choice. Our online appointment booking system makes it easy for you to book an appointment, and our examinations are carried out quickly and accurately, without referrals or queues. Depending on the test, results are sent to patients by email within hours.

Our Manager basic package provides information about the general condition of the body; the functioning of the hematopoietic system; carbohydrate, protein, muscle and fat metabolism, liver, pancreas and kidney function, thyroid function, and also includes tests to detect anemia and various iron deficiency conditions. In addition to the basic package, our extended packages include the possibility to request a package of gastro, cardiological and more complex tests for women and men.

Think about your health and take time for blood sampling, which can be taken in a few minutes. Book an appointment for one of our manager screening test via our online booking system.

Discount price in October 2023.

Manager Basic Package: 24 500 HUF 26 800 HUF
Manager Basic + GASTRO Package: 71 000 HUF 79 900 HUF
Manager Basic + CARDIO Package: 79 400 HUF 86 400 HUF
Manager Basic + Woman Profile Package: 41 200 HUF 46 200 HUF
Manager Premium Package for Women: 144 400 HUF 157 900 HUF
Manager Premium PLUS Package for Women: 237 500 HUF 256 320 HUF
Manager Basic + Man Profile Package: 37 500 HUF 41 700 HUF
Manager Premium Package for Men: 139 700 HUF 153 700 HUF
Manager premium PLUS Package for Men: 217 000 HUF 245 220 HUF