Hypertension is defined as a condition in which the average of at least 3 different blood pressure readings (taken at least one week apart) is higher than 139/89 mmHg.

Hypertension is a common disease in Hungary, affecting around one in three people among adults.

Early detection of hypertension is important because it is a risk factor for many cardiovascular diseases, which are the leading causes of death in Hungary.

Diagnosis is based on repeated blood pressure measurements because of the significant spontaneous fluctuations in blood pressure values. Repeated measurements can be carried out in the doctor’s office, in the patient’s home with occasional blood pressure measurements, or by 24-hour monitoring.

24-hour blood pressure monitoring provides the most objective data; therefore, it is recommended in case of inconsistent results, in the detection of daytime and nighttime blood pressure changes and in the suspicion of “white coat” hypertension (high blood pressure measured in the doctor’s office).

Blood pressure is measured on the upper arm

The use of semi-automatic and automatic devices is recommended. While, the most reliable are the electronic arm cuff devices, wrist and finger gauges are not recommended.

Thirty minutes before blood pressure check, patients should avoid food, caffeine and alcoholic beverages and tobacco. The blood pressure is taken after 5 minutes at rest, while the forearm is resting at heart level, avoiding speech during taking the measurement.

To confirm hypertension, blood pressure should be taken in both arms, sitting, standing and lying, as well as measured in the lower limbs as well.

If you are diagnosed with high blood pressure, your doctor may prescribe lifestyle changes and/or medication to prevent further complications.

Source: Háziorvostani Szakmai Kollégium: Felnőttkori hypertonia betegség háziorvosi ellátása